Tuesday, June 2, 2009

another strange story

i was waiting with my friend at vadapalani, for a bus, to go to cmbt. All the buses were crowded. Exasperated, we decided to board the next bus that comes, whatever be the situation.
unfortunately, to my taste the bus was little too much crowded. And i hesitated a little to get into the bus but my friend did not. the bus started moving.
my friend was in the bus and i was in the bus stand. he indicated me to run and catch the bus, indicated him to move on. ofcourse we could always meet at cmbt, we both had mobiles and money.
but ofcourse mind does not work in cntrolled manner. there was a share auto and i took it immediately.
my friend being more concerned, got down at the next signal and started walking back.
i caught him midway.
The share auto, these days nt only carry people in the back seat but, the driver keen to earn money, accomodates, two passengers - one on each side of him.
so my friend was made to sit on the right of the driver. he was uncomfortable but didnt complain.
i was sitting in the back seat, near the door/entrance, along with one lady who must have been in her late thirties, and her young kid - hardly seven year old.
and being decent to the point of being rude, i turned my face away from the lady, and started enjoying the dark night.
the lady called me - hey.
i turned to look at her to make sure she was calling me.
hey she said again.
u know her grandfather disappeared two months ago.( she said pointing to her little daughter)
i looked at her - incredelously
yes...she continued...her grandfather ,that is , my father in law that is, had memory problem. he was taking treatment. one day he went out and never came back.
I was about to ask - how could you let him go just like that....
but i knew better than to ask..
She continued..
You know thats why this girl, pointing to her daughter again..., was looking out of the auto, expecting to find her grandfather.
She said - they had put advertisements in tv, radio, newspapers, had put posters in the walls in the nearby area.
I didnt know what to tell her. I nodded and listened to her.
She said - since he does not have any proper memory, he must be just lost - roaming around in streets.
What could i say.
Before i could think of anything, she stopped the auto, got down and left.
Just like that.
The two gone, my friend got down from the front seat, and came and sat beside me. I was still stunned, and i just wanted to recount, when we saw a bike brushing our auto, probably, breaking the auto's headlight. The bike lost control and fell down. The auto driver stopped the auto and took up a fight with the bike fellow.
He was insisting that the fellow driving the bike pay him. that guy wasnt interested in paying, so he instead started dialling his mobile

we were getting late..so we got down...paid the auto driver...litlle less than he deserved and walked the rest of the way...

and was hoping nothing else strange happens the rest of night
