Tuesday, October 14, 2008

what am i doing...

for defending my concept of friendship, i alienate my friends....
for defending my concept of honesty, i hurt my dearest...
for defending my concept of justice, i show no mercy to the dying...
for defending my rights, i snatch away others'...
for proving i am right, i prove everybody else wrong...
what am i doing...
who has given me the right to decide, what is right, what is wrong...

Friday, October 10, 2008

We'll See...

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.
"Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.
"We'll see," the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.
"How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.
"We'll see," replied the old man.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.
"We'll see," answered the farmer.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.
"We'll see" said the farmer.

- zen philosophy
taken from - http://goto.bilkent.edu.tr/gunes/ZEN/zenstories.htm