it is appalling to see all men and women on this earth think the way they think - that is, they dont think at all. why. what happened. i dont know.
people have fixed ideas. worse people have limited logic.
they refuse to think more than what has been taught and what they have read.
for them, its like perception of color. what they see as red, is red. no matter whther they see it on a fruit or a paper or a traffic signal. they know it is red, and will die for its cause.
but then what u see as red may not be red. thats elementary optics. but then who would wanna think. for they know and they can see, a red is red is red.
thats how we look at love. some people like to talk abt love as divine blah blah. and others, who think they can think, define it more practical way. call it hormones. others who think they can think better, they will call it socio economic inflence. others might refuse the existence of love. but then again they think that they think that love is so and so. but then love is simply love and love need not be love. people wont understand it....and it is a sad reflection of the state of their mental degradation
people have fixed ideas. worse people have limited logic.
they refuse to think more than what has been taught and what they have read.
You are the biggest example of such people.
But then you even don't exist and you deny your existence as a person as an individual.
Only Individual exists, society never existed, and will never exist.
Society is a imaginary human construct.
Just like religionism, socialism or communalism, any sort of collectivism is a falsehood and illusionary and corruption.
and obviously you are a corrupt individual, corrupt to that extent that now you are even unable to realize your own individuality.
The thing is you are one of those who can only follow others, you can niether innovate nor ever can develop any idea further. Because, you deny the power by which an Individual can innovate, develop and improove things ideas and possibilities.
For an Individual, all the previous knowledge is raw material which he by the virtue of his own rational faculty analysis and understands and then creates, innovates develops further knowledge ideas, things technologies arts.
That rational faculty, that Individuality, that power of reasoning which is the only tool by virtue of which a living individual can understand and realize reality, is his tool his power.
But you have denied it already.
Hence nothing is expected from you.
You are neither living nor existing.
@gross ignoromus- he he he...ho ho ho......
thats absolutely funny.....ur logic is ignoble.....and ignorable
i just want to reiterate people wont understand it....and it is a sad reflection of the state of their mental degradation
Only Individual exists, society never existed, and will never exist...something worth argue.
dear logic, neither individual exists and nor society....
Don't you think that its sad that you are not accepting that even when people have fixed ideas such as red being red regardless of what the object is, that they are actually thinking, even if it they are thinking about only concepts and not abstract ideas?
good question and i indeed appreciate it. i would like to quote my first line
"it is appalling to see all men and women on this earth think the way they think - that is, they dont think at all"
see, its like this, it looks they are thinking, as in biological sense, that neurons are responding, some analysis is being done. but when we use the word think, we use in more broader sense, where there is conscious consideration of a subject. how much is 9 times 9. answer comes as 81. ofcourse we have thought and we have made mental calculation. but is this real thinking. do we actually realise we are adding 9 times 9. no. we have learnt this so often, and memorised it, that in a sort of way, that thinking has stopped. we just react as our thinking process is trained. to make clearer, when we say red, we are realising certain things. we are percieving that the object apple is giving this colour, the ball is giving this colour. we become conscious and we say we think. but again this is a reaction. but suposse, we were to wear a red glass and see a white paper, we might ( see the usage of might) percieve it as red. we will be conscious of the glass though and we will ask ourselves that whther our color perception is due to glass or whther the paper is indeed red. but, when we dont wear this glass. my whole point of writing this post was to ask - why dont we ask ourselves - whther we are wearing this proverbial glass....why do we just react and assume.
look at the previous comments. it is a plain reaction of human beings confronted with confusing and complex ideaology. the first reaction is to oppose and second reaction is to attack.
thanks for ur comments as i think i could clear the air to some extent
is this the effect of too much thinking???:P
dear abhinav,
actaully it is a realisation. and for all the ensuing confusion in the reader's mind, blame it on the logic system prevalent now.
actaully, when i sit down with a friend, and we discuss these, it is easier for me, to explain and clear their doubts. they often find it difficult to accept, which makes sense. they often leave me - confounded. finally when we talk abt it again, i often hear people say - u r right but....
in this blogosphere, my blog, comes out straight on the face. people confounded, either chose not to reply or leave vague comments, or they attack me vigourously. basically because no one has time to listen out and clarify the confusion created in their head because of my blog. and they think it is not worth their time to discuss. rightly so. and thats what i am lamenting in this blog
very good philosopher!
A far fetched generalization. It's perfectly ok if u term it as ur opinion; a philosophy - i doubt..
Our conscious, rather self-conscious, experience is an amazing thing and every individual's life experience is equally of value no matter if it's small and insignificant and doesnt appeal to others. All these individual conscious experiences contribute to the collective conscious of the universe (which is a hypothetical parameter as I see it).
Anyway, whenever u generalize in the future, remember u are a part of the set and not above it. And so am I. So u can as well ignore what I said.
Just keep writing!
PS: thanks for ur comment.
@setu - " collective consciousness" thats the word dear.......ofcourse u r seeing it differently....anways...i i will write about it at a later date, till then why dont u see my above post in the light of my first post - reject everything unnatural. and probably u could better appreciate my post as a philosophy than an opinion....anyway thanks dear
U have a whole new way of looking at the world. good logic
well if i say red is red i dont care if it really is red because it is irrelevant comparing to more important things. But you definitely have got a point!
as for love, no matter what we say, no matter what we think, it does not matter because it exists without us taking any participation. it is just there :)
@lena - hey thanks....
there was something, that was still missing from my arguements, and i was just waiting for a comment like yours. red and love and for that matter anything, they are one and the same. they exist without our participation ( definitely debatable) but if one is of one nature, so is the other. why should they be different.
and so i would chose to talk abt red, and u could follow that the arguements follow for love as well.
when i say people see things are red, they assume it is red. "what they see as red, is red. no matter whther they see it on a fruit or a paper or a traffic signal. they know it is red, and will die for its cause"
but the truth is even if we were to see yellow and blue for example, together, ( as in mixing of colour, in paint) we would perceive it as red.....but it is actually our eyes that is being foooled. our brain simply averages the yellow and blue. there is no red.....we believe in red, of whtherevr form or shape or blah blah, we will argue it as red.....but then there is no red....thats how people have argued above....they have seen red and they want to stick to calling it as red, and when i say we should stop assuming red as red, as such thing is wrong and falsified, i find people not even understanding...and question the question that each question should be questioned.....funny!!!!
funny... but i agree.
but then if it is convenient for people to believe it is red, they wouldnt listen to anyone because in their mind only their perception is the right one..
hmmm good one buddy ... but i think sometimes thinking can itself be injurious to your health :)
bloating your head with ideas is also not a good way to lead a life out ... yes thinking is important .. but yes it must have a practical part too .. that will be the most dangerous and effective way of thinking :)
Think more.. Dream more .. Live more :) Get more out of life ... keep smiling
Have a Good Day tomorrow :)
God Bless you
~~~ Golden Vulture ~~~
@lena - bullseye.
@golden vulture - how do u limit thinking.....can u ask ur nose to select only one smell between the rose and jasmine flower in a garden. thinking is natural. nobody can force anybody to think more or think less. infact i belive, ofcourse i reinstate, i belive, that these are just natural line of thinking. its only sad very less people want to think abt these things. they are already preoccupied with other idea.....
yeah....thanks...u have a great day too
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