Wednesday, February 20, 2008

love is meaningless. only relationship is meaningful

ofcourse, i have stated before, in my first post, that people have stopped thinking. so it came as no surprise, to find people, finding themselves at crossroads, deciding to hold on to whatever was thought by other people and passed on to them, rather than to think.
and precisely, i could be accused of passing on my thought. but more than beliveing me, i want people to think. if, and what a big if it is, people do start thinking, it will become obvious, the things i am stating here.
ok, let me start with an example ( i would like to mention though, examples are the worst way of explaining things, because examples can be misleading, and are often misunderstood. but i use it, for lack of imagination from the part of my readers) .
We love our parents. right? we tend to belive we love our parents. but look closely, isnt it obvious we love our parents, because they are our parents, rather than who they are as individuals or who we are individuals. we love them, for the relationship that binds us.
ofcousre, there are parents, who dont love their children as much. but do the children, start hating them. no. not until, the relation stops having meaning. that is to say, we love our parents, till the relationship ceases to have meaning.
more often we see, we find children, once grown up, married, they move on, and scarcely care for their parents. why? is it that the love for their parents has grown less. no. not at all. the relationship has lost its significance.
i ask everybody, how can we love some person today, and hate the same person other day. is it love so fragile. so tangible. does our love depend upon how the other person behaves to us. ( if yes, then i would like to remind u, u r not talking abt love, u r talking abt newton's third law of action reaction)
and if that is the case, what does it mean to love a person indefinitely, forever. it is meaningless.
listen, we need a relation. and that is what we strive towards. let me ask u, again, why do we love a person. the easiest reason is, i dont know, i just love a person. when most things, in life, have a reason. how come love doesnt? is it because, we are hypocrites. we are cowards. we fail to acknowledge, we need a relation ( which is very tangible, and materialistic) and as soon as we use reltion, we think of physical relation, and feel ashamed of ourselves.
but the relation i am talking abt, is the need to bond with others. the need to identify ourselves and differentiate ourselves from others. we love others, for our sake. for the sake of relationship. because alone we feel insecure.
suppose, today, ur beloved, hurts u. in a way, it is irraparable. u have simply decided not to talk to the person ever again. u still think of the person. why? is it love? if it is love, isnt love all about forgiving. isnt love all about compromises. isnt love mutual. infact how could the person u love so much, hurt u. because, love can never hurt ( i am not talking abt love not being reciprocated) . love simply is. then why do we feel hurt and move on. its not because love has suddenly faded away. its because, we find the relationship, we are in is no more sustainable.
as an individual, its relationship we seek. as a kid, we sought parents, teh we sought friends, then lover, then wife, then children. love is just a bonus. whther love is there or not, we will pursue the same path. ( dont the parent love their children, no matter how bad the kids are. is it love. or is it because they are their son's and daughters ( relation) . )
think again.
looka t ur memories they are filled with sweetness and bitterness, arising out of a relation. u forget the love they gave u. ( can u remember the sweet lullaby ur mother sang every night, can u remember the warmth of her smile, the first time ur beloved spoke to all u remember is the warmth of the relation they provided, the comfort, the assurance )
even from a evolutionary point of view, what advantage, does love provide. none at all. ist only the relation, that makes life so much advatntages


Sunil Kosuru said...

U have created confusion in my mind in some exceptional cases ur examples are true. i have seen ppl having the same love to their parents even after marriage, relation has not ceased. :)

Henrique Monteiro said...

Love and Hate is walking together in a relationship.
I love my friends sometimes, and sometimes I hate them.
With my parents, with my teachers, and with my animals.
Love and Hate, together forever.

Sorry, my english is not good.

When you can, visit me:

pandian chelliah said...

@raju - ofcourse what u said is true. thats why i said, giving examples is bad way of proving things. when in usal cases, as the one u mentioned, its too confusing too differentiate love and relation, thats why i went to an extreme example, to prove my point. if u read my first post of the blog, u will realise the logic behind doing so.
@henriquem - hey thanks...what u say is absolutely true......and yeah, ur english is really good

A said...

Love is the height of a relationship between strangers.

Unknown said...

love is something that gievs you eternal satisfaction.....well nice post

Anonymous said...

Love is giving and not taking. Love is kind and patient. Love is something you give no matter the cost or situation. Love is self-less.

I think the real question we need to ask is; did we ever really love in the first place?


Sukanya said...

okk.. m confused..
i undrstud tht relationships bind and not love. whts a relationship without love? they are interconnected.
the realtionship b/w parents and children is unlike anyother.. it cant b compared with other relations.

pandian chelliah said...

@aravindh - love between strangers, is the expectancy of relation or an attempt to erase the strangeness
@satnam - yup, it gives eternal satisfaction, yet the satisfaction is tangible and meaningless
@dave - good question. i will be soon writing abt that. but what i say here is love is meaningless. both topics, are seemingly unrelated
@ Knatchbulley Hughzscene ( i confess i used copy paste to put ur name here)
a) what is relationship without still is a relationship, with hope and promises. but i am not addressing the question. nor am i asking whther love is more important or relationship. these are trivial questions, and can be argued forever. i am asking a fundamental question - what is it that that gives meaning to our life - love or relation.
i am surprised, more people than i expected have missed the point i wanted to make. thats because people though read my text, they understand, what they want to.
b) how come relation between parents and children is diffeent from other relation. it is yet another human folly - the difference, that is.

Anonymous said...

i dont agreed with ur is meaningless. only relationship is meaningful..........

pandian chelliah said...

@ganesh - very sweet of u!!!! no arguements. just blank refusal.......typical reaction of mankind to everyting true!!!

RAO said...
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Anonymous said...

my first polite suggestion wud be to make the entire website in english for it wud make it easy to ppl like me who kno hindi very well only to speak but not to read (though i can read easily hindi written using english)...

as far as my comment abt goes: i ve thought myraid times abt this stuff u wrote in ur blog myself.. and it is not difficult to spot many ppl like this... but the point is is there anything that makes love truly possible...? having a relationship for the sake of love but not otherwise?!!!


vanilla sky said...

to some extent, i do agree on your parents-offspring love, the love is unconditional, but its true that its only because they are in a relationship

Proneat said...

love stemming into relationship wud be great

Rockstar Template said...

I have a disagreement with you !! Relationships will not be stronger with out Love !!

Nice Post !! Interestin blog !!

cheers :)